Where Quality, Ease, & Speed Come Together
Working Smarter | Working Easier | Working for You
We Create Tools That Boost Quality & Efficiency
Apla-Tech’s innovative Air and Continuous Flow Drywall Finishing Tools are designed to greatly reduce the physical strains normally associated with drywall finishing. Plus, our drywall tools significantly improve a worker’s productivity and greatly increases a company’s profits (save up to 40% your finishing budget per project). With every component engineered to save you time and money, we have set the new standard for quality and consistency.
The “Original” Air Powered and Continuous Flow Complete Drywall Finishing System

DC #9 J A A T F
Long Island City, NY
Commercial / CFS system
I was teaching hand finishing in New York City when Apla-Tech’s Eastern Rep brought me a Continuous Flow (CFS) Tape…
DC #9 J A A T F
Long Island City, NY
Commercial / CFS system
I was teaching hand finishing in New York City when Apla-Tech’s Eastern Rep brought me a Continuous Flow (CFS) Tape Apla-Cator. I had never used it before and after I was shown how it worked I taped for 2 ½ hours. Since we only had 250’ rolls for hand tapers, I had to stop only once every 250’ to change the roll of tape. I was surprised to see that I put up 20 rolls when I was finished. Since the taper was so light and had no drag feel I didn’t feel tired when I was done. When I told other finishers I knew how well it went they said I was BSing them. I was pretty impressed and recommend that taper to anyone.
Pontotoc, MS
They work perfect. I love them to death. With the extra profits I paid for these tools in three months.
Clio, MI
Thank you so very much. This is one of the quickest and probably most complete responses which I have ever received in customer support from anyone.
Clio, MI
Thank you so very much. This is one of the quickest and probably most complete responses which I have ever received in customer support from anyone.
Goldston, NC
Using Apla-Tech Tools, I have doubled my production. You can’t go wrong buying Apla-Tech.
Green Bay, WI
Work focus includes Holiday Inn Hotels, Multi-family units and commercial projects.
We originally had two finishing crews with conventional mechanical…
Green Bay, WI
Work focus includes Holiday Inn Hotels, Multi-family units and commercial projects.
We originally had two finishing crews with conventional mechanical tools. We purchased two sets of “Air” tools. We noticed a considerable difference in ease of the tools and an increase in production. Then we were one of the first contractors to purchase Apla-Tech’s Continuous Flow Drywall Finishing Tool System (CFS). The one CFS set we purchased produced the same amount of footage as the two air sets of Apla-Tech together
E. Thetford, VT
We were mechanical tool finishers. We finish high end custom $1 Million + homes & elderly housing. We first purchased the “Air” system from…
E. Thetford, VT
We were mechanical tool finishers. We finish high end custom $1 Million + homes & elderly housing. We first purchased the “Air” system from Apla-Tech and we are very happy with the increased production and especially the ease. We then purchased the Apla-Tech CFS tools when they came to the market and again cut our production schedule (time of completion) by ½ for either type of project.
Depew, NY
We are approximately the second largest commercial drywall contractor in our market. We gave Apla-Tech an award for 2007 & 2008 for projects we used the tool…
Depew, NY
We are approximately the second largest commercial drywall contractor in our market. We gave Apla-Tech an award for 2007 & 2008 for projects we used the tool that helped increase finishing production far above our anticipated numbers. We presently have two sets of tools.
Bethlehem, PA
Commercial/CFS – system
I could not imagine going back to our old mechanical tools. We absolutely love the Apla-Tech CFS system.
St. Joseph, MO
Commercial/CFS – system
We have been realizing 30% savings in our labor costs when using the Apla-Tech Continuous Flow System.